The Company
PCI, Porter Customer Institute, was begun several years ago solely as a Customer Experience consulting, analytics and learning company with the Customer Decision Journey (CDJ) at its core (see diagram on home page).
Placing the Customer at the center of everything we do, PCI has built tools, social platforms, research and skilling around this core, building on CEO William Porter’s deep expertise serving primarily the Supply Chain, Technology, Healthcare, Human Capital Management and Utilities market segments, among others.
In 1989, Porter founded healthcare market research company Porter Research, selling it in the early 2000’s after growing it to a million-dollar organization. The company was later sold to healthcare database company Billian Health Data.
PCI’s Porter has worked with many global organizations over the years including UPS, Cerner, Rockwell and Kronos, among many others, to help their leaders be successful with their customers.
He’s also addressed dozens of major national conferences, published three ground-breaking popular Customer Experience business books and speaks regularly at top U.S. business schools including University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Emory University and University of Alabama.
Today, as the trajectory of Customer Experience continues to evolve, PCI continues to deliver ever better value to its customers and help those companies drive sustainable financial success in their organizations.
How we think
A disruptive world colors our thinking today.
As a beginning, PCI examines what conclusions can be drawn from the diverse set of data points collected about a customer and the customer experience currently. This is followed by helping our clients understand where these conclusions fit into the bigger scheme of things in the organization.
Next, PCI helps organizations translate those conclusions into a go-to-market company strategy along with the tools needed to help implement that strategy.