Quest for Loyalty
“Once upon a time, you could afford to make mistakes and lose customers. It was no big deal. More would come along. Some would come back.
Alas, that time is gone.
In today’s world, everyone is after everyone else’s business. You’re surrounded by competitors. If you stumble and make a mistake, another company quickly grabs your customers. And you don’t get them back.
In a highly competitive world, getting new customers is exceptionally difficult. That’s why hanging on to the old ones is so important.
Enter Quest for Loyalty.”
From the Foreward to Quest for Loyalty by Jack Trout, author of bestsellers, Marketing Warfare and The New Positioning.
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Sellers Edge
What this book provides is the ‘glue’ or understanding to enable you to take the concepts learned from professional sales enablement companies like Miller Heiman and apply them to real world selling situations.
Seller’s Edge identifies the key ingredients involved in buying decisions today and helps both ‘buyer’ and ‘seller’ to ‘match’ or align themselves early in the sales decision process. The bottom line is ‘no match, no sale’.
While no salesperson likes to admit they were outsold, it is often because of not having that ‘edge’ in the ‘match’.
Again, the Seller’s Edge provides that ‘glue’!
From Foreward to Seller’s Edge by Don House, Investor.
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The Coming Customer Disruption Economy
Bill has always been a deliberate and thorough thinker about the future. He ponders beyond the immediate effects of business trends, and looks at the consequences of those trends for business success many years ahead.
The COVID global pandemic accelerated this trend, and now we are all used to making buying decisions entirely in a virtual world. However, in this world of information abundance, we are also trying to cope with increasing uncertainty and more unpredictability.
In this important guide, The Coming Customer Disruption Economy, Bill describes, in a very practical way, using real-life examples, how people and businesses will buy the things they want or need in 2025 and beyond.
Fortunately, Bill provides a roadmap for understanding and meeting this new economy. He outlines the key factors that business leaders should consider: condition, purpose, trust, sentiment and ability.
An exciting new age is coming rapidly upon us. The Coming Customer Disruption Economy will help you prepare for embracing and thriving in it.
From the Forward
From the Forward By Timothy T. Sullivan, Vice President, Richardson Sales Performance, Co-author, The Collaborative Sale and The Solution Selling Field Manual
White Papers & Excerpts
Is “Trust” the Strategy for the ‘20’s?
-White Paper
Security. Reliability. Predictability.
Will Trust be the new “gold standard” in companies for the next few years as we emerge from the chaos of COVID?
Welcome to the New Customer Disruption Economy—Book Excerpt
It’s 2025.
Customer Success is now front and center of the Customer Experience Ecosystem.
Inspiration (as a customer impact)—Book Excerpt
Screeching sea gulls wheeled several meters over my head as I strolled along the windy Taylor Mistake Bay beach not too far from the New Zealand capital city of Christchurch.