Metaverse To Radically Transform the Customer Experience Journey

$ 280 billion. 

2025 forecast value by researcher Earthweb of the global “Metaverse” marketplace and exploding in size almost daily ( BTW, it was worth just $ 46 billion in 2020). 


The number of jobs Earthweb says that will be created over the next 5 years in the Metaverse orbit. 

 The new Metaverse is a once-in-a-generation game changer in our increasingly online lives where physical and digital worlds seem to merge. 

And, as such, it will radically transform the “customer experience” as we know it. I’m serious. 

So, with the current 5 Key Steps in the Customer Experience ( i.e. Investigate, Evaluate, etc. ) consisting mostly of online – human – interaction, adding the “realities” (Virtual, Augmented) to the mix means something entirely new. 

Suddenly, as an example, “Investigating” a new product or service need could become a “real world environment” in a safe space with say an avatar for a potential supplier acting in a “chatroom-like” mode answering an Investigator’s questions or even giving a short demo of a potential product on demand – all in a virtual setting! 

Wow! Talk about a personalized Customer Experience! 

And it certainly doesn’t hurt that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg just re-branded the social platform giant and re-named Facebook’s parent company “Meta”. A sign of times to come no doubt! 

And, as you would imagine, there are enormous “benefits” to such a radical new technology-play like Metaverse. And in the “concerns” column, issues like data privacy are a major item that must be addressed early in any kind of roll – out. 

So, it’s time now for you to figure out what this new world means to your own company. And, as I usually do, it’s time to segue into my “business tips” section below. 

Business Tip #1. Get “schooled” now about this new potentially transformative concept and become as informed as possible about how you might apply “Metaverse” concepts to your business model.  

For certain, it will “touch” one or even multiple functions within your current organization. Get ready for it! 

Tip #2. Consider establishing a “Metaverse” test group within the company that could experiment with say “VR glasses” in the product development or marketing or even customer care functions in the business. 

Shades of the old Tom Cruise classic, The Minority Report or  Snow Crash back in 1992, huh? 

But it’s bearing down us right now. And we have to get our collective heads around the concept. 

Because if you don’t, your competition will. And you definitely don’t want to lose out on this one! 

So, as we begin the holiday season, we still need to sit around that table again - Who knows? It may be virtual! - and kick that idea about customer experience. 

Maybe see you in the metaverse! 

Until next time (and Happy Holidays)! 



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