​Hey, Hold Up On Going Way “Remote”. Recent Research Found Some Really Big “Down Sides”!

70 % 

The number of remote workers who say they feel “left out” of their workplace from researcher Zippia 

25 % 

The percent of remote workers saying they “struggle with being able to unplug” from research company Statista  

So “going remote” - either partial or full remote - isn’t the be all end all for sure. And yet the “work remote movement” marches on. 

One researcher reported that as of 2022 “16 % of companies worldwide” are “100 % remote.” A huge number! 

Going the opposite way, “44 % of global companies” say the same researchers, “don’t allow remote work,” Again, a stunning number, and a reminder that all of the world does not work remotely. 

A famous example of the “no remote movement” is popular Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. Paraphrasing his recent remarks, Musk said something to the effect that “if you’re not at your desk, we will assume that you’ve resigned from the company.” Enough said, huh. 

Another bit of research on remote working this time by Owl Labs, reports on the increased investment requirements for remote work operations at a company. To that point, 67 % of supervisors interviewed recently reported they “spend more time” supervising remote workers than employees who work on site.  

So, there’s a couple points to make here. 

1. Not every organization is a candidate for remote work. Well duh, I think you and I already figured that out. However, looking at social media and the popular press, you might think that “remote work” was going to save the business world! It won’t. 

2. Remote work strategies take an effort in order to be successful. So, when a “remote solution” does make sense, it demands time and attention just like any other major company effort.  

And hey, as the research above shows, a huge number of companies – 16 % of companies worldwide in fact – are even 100 % remote. Must be something to this, huh? 

And it’s now time to offer some Business Tips to you to help you be successful whether you opt to use the remote work approach or not. 

Business Tip # 1.Make sure your “remote workers” are doing appropriate work and being efficient. It never hurts to regularly check in with your remote workers and see if they’re getting the most of things that they’re busy on. Otherwise, why are we working remote, huh?  

And as you see from my opening remarks, remote work programs can oftentimes use up additional company resources. Supervisors only have so much time and, if it takes extra effort to supervise remote workers, you might want to re-think things. 

Tip # 2. Have a regular “check-in” with remote workers to make sure they feel a part of the team. As the opening research stats remind us, 70 % of remote workers recently surveyed said they feel “left out” of the organization – not a result anyone wants! 

Finally, a not insignificant group -  25 % - say they have problems “getting away from the office” when they’re in a remote work setting. Another result we don’t really want, do we? 

Well, until we sit down around the table one more time to kick some business ideas around, I’ll catch you later! 



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