Trust, Inspiration and Customer Closeness Topped Reader Interests in My LinkedIn Articles Last Year

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Going back through the metrics for the couple dozen articles I wrote for LinkedIn this past year, I discovered that the top 5 most-read pieces by my audience in 2020 hit a lot around major topics discussed in my soon-to-be-published book The Coming New Impact Economy.

Trust. Inspiration. Ability.

Articles that I penned in 2020 regarding these topics attracted major interest from viewers in my LinkedIn audience. So, for example, my article titled “Starbucks Once Sold ‘Inspiration’ with that Macciato ”, attracted dozens of reader eyeballs confirming to me that my new book is probably on target with the larger business community’s interest these days.

So when was the last time you felt “inspired” when you stopped for coffee at Starbucks? Probably not recently if you’re like me.

However, I made the case that the company might regain that reputation in future years if they go back to founder Howard Schultz’s vision of Starbuck’s being “that third place”, distinctly different from home or office – in the beginning, it was that very different “inspiring” place for many patrons and, maybe you as well!

Staying close to your customer.

Being close to customers - even amidst the pandemic – also rang a lot of bells with my readers last year. So my October article in late 2020 - “Not Spending Time with Customers these Days? That Could Cost You.”- took note of the “pandemic pause” and the fact that customers were definitely reconsidering their relationships with their business partners and suppliers.

One other item I hit on was the well-researched fact that 30 % - one in three – of almost any company’s customer base would consider going to another supplier to meet their business needs. ( Yeah, that 30 % number usually get’s people’s attention! )

So below were my most – read articles last year and I hope you’ll take a minute to peruse them or read them once more as you lay plans for 2021. They might just give you a leg up!

1.Keeping Customers Loyal in a Digital World”

2.Starbucks Once sold ‘Inspiration’ with that Macciato”

3.Hallmark. Harvard Business Review, EDS Consulting. They all Sell ‘Ability’ “

4. ‘Trust’ as A Business Strategy for the New Customer Experience”

5.Not Spending Time With Customers These Days? That Could Cost You


Will “Trust” Be the Go-To Strategy for the ‘20’s?


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