Has the “Customer Spring” Arrived?

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Vaccinations in full swing. 

Shuttered offices beginning to reopen. 

Shelved Customer initiatives being dusted off. 


Is the new “Customer Spring” upon us ? 


Time will tell, but as the world starts to slowly begin reopening after a disruptive-bring-to-a-stop 2020, Customer Experience programs, I believe, will be among the first in line to kick off! 


Not surprising then that researcher SuperOffice just reported that some 45% of companies they recently spoke with said Customer Experience was highest on their list of priorities coming out of the pandemic, followed by products (33%) and company pricing (20%). 


Researchers also chronicle the consequences of poor customer service evidenced by Newvoicemedia’s recent finding that 51 % of companies they talked to said they’d never do business again with a company who dealt them just one bad customer experience. Other research reveals similar consequences for companies who do not deliver a good customer experience. End of story! 


As I discuss in detail in my new about-to-be-published business book, The Coming New Impact Economy to be published by Amazon, the next chapter in the Customer Experience movement will be both more personal and more lasting.  


A typical example I give in the book would be Sir Richard Branson’s new upending cruise ship company, Virgin Voyages, the cruise experience is closely tailored to a passenger’s goals ( special tours at ports-of-call, italian cooking classes or maybe say just relaxing ) plus individual passenger follow-up after the cruise to ensure goals were met and can be reinforced with on-shore programs and events. Not your all-day-all-you-can-eat Carnival cruise, no?   


So let me suggest some business tips now below to get you started on your company’s very own “Customer Spring”: 


Business Tip # 1. Make sure your new “Customer Experience Plan” is ready to launch quickly as soon as it looks like people start getting back to spending at least some time in the office. Completed should be projects including a customer decision journey assessment, current customer experience audits and a detailed Plan whether or not your business is in the early growth stages or in a more mature phase of it’s history among other related programs. 


Tip # 2. Have a detailed “timetable” with key checkpoints and responsibility assignments for the plan roll-out so that everyone is on the same page and can execute with muscle-memory. Without real dates, times and names, my experience is that not much gets done, how about you? 


So get ready to launch and good luck! 


The Customer Spring is here like it or not – are you ready? 


Look forward to getting together with you again soon. 






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