Trust, Customer Journey and Employee Burnout: My Top Viewed Customer Experience Articles for ‘21 So Far

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Trust. Customer Journey Mapping, Employee “burnout”. 

These have been my “most viewed” pieces in 2021 thus far. And new articles around these themes will no doubt continue to attract the most eyeballs over the next few months if my hunch is right. 

Trust has long been a “top issue” emerging from Covid with the need to address so much uncertainty and doubt out there. In fact, one article I wrote at the end of 2020 on Trust garnered the most views ever of any of my LinkedIn articles. 

“Trust” is also a full chapter in my newest book “The Coming New Impact Economy to be published later this Fall. Trust is now a Brand and one of a half dozen totally new “impacts” I foresee in the “new Customer Experience”.  

Next, with big companies like Salesforce finding that “almost half” of the companies” they surveyed recently said they intend to start “Customer Journey Mapping” in the next few months, Customer Experience is top-of-mind with a lot of businesses. And research firm Gartner just predicted that “89 % of companies will compete on the experience they offer their customers” in the next few years So, a continuing interest in all things CX! 

Finally, 76 % of workers say they have been experiencing “burnout” at their jobs according to healthcare research firm Spring Health in a just-published report. 

And so, Employee ( or Talent ) concerns made up the third leg of popular articles I’ve published over the last eight months or so. The “burnout” topic along with a tightening labor market – I call it “the Talent Economy” now – and disengaged employees ( 53 % say they are “unhappy” at work ) attracted a lot of attention.  

So, where does this all leave us at this point?  

Here are some Business Tips ( yeah, knew this was coming, right? ) that I believe will really help your company start to address these three “high visibility” concerns out there in the marketplace in the coming weeks. 

Tip # 1. Determine where “Trust” comes in for your business on a daily basis. Is it trust in results expected and then achieved? How about reliability of your product or service? Or is it the promises your talent makes when interacting with customers? I think you’ll find trust attributes embedded in there somewhere – go ahead and look for them, it’s a really big deal these days! Honest! 

# 2. Spend time identifying those “Moments of truth” in the “Customer Journey” that seem to be critical where info is exchanged, key questions are asked or where a customer really needs help getting the most out of what your company offers. These “moments” are absolutely key to building a sustainable Customer Experience. 

# 3. Finally, know “when you’re not at 100 %” with your customers. Hey, Covid has taken a lot out of us all. And don’t be surprised if you succumb to some of the “burnout” we talked about earlier. If you get to that point, remember, your customers will notice, I promise you. Most importantly, do something about it! 

So look for more from me on these three “hot topics” in the coming weeks. Hey, I want to keep you engaged here. Seriously. 

All I have for now. 

Until we sit down again around the table to kick around the stuff that keeps us all up at night, huh? 



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