New No-Office, Customer Journey, Disruption: Most Popular Articles

79%. People surveyed say they’ve “completely lost control of their data” 

$ 17 Trillion. Market size expected by 2023 for everything Metaverse 

So, the New No-Office, the changing Customer Journey and The New Metaverse – read “disruption - attracted the most eyeballs over the last few months for my Articles on LinkedIn. 

The New No-Office for obvious reasons, has been getting a lot of attention lately from everywhere.  

The office as we all once knew it is now gone. And it’s a fair certainty that it’s probably never coming back.  

Employees are still leery of going back to the office. That number was 66 % when Prudential recently completed a global survey. 

And 68 % said that they preferred a “hybrid” workplace when they returned to the office eventually. 

All of us will feel the effects of this phenomenon in future years. 

The Customer Journey is changing especially as new developments like A.I., Virtual and Augmented Reality and 5 G begin to be ubiquitous.  

So, with the current 5 Key Steps in the Customer Experience ( i.e. Investigate, Evaluate, etc. ) consisting mostly of online – human – interaction, adding the “realities” (Virtual, Augmented) to the mix means something entirely new. 

Metaverse: the Once-in-a-generation “game changer” will shape all of our worlds in ways we can’t yet possibly imagine. 

From Facebook renaming it’s parent company Meta to one research company forecasting a $ 17 Trillion marketplace value for all things Metaverse, this phenomena promises to upend and distract our world as never before. 

To sum us all up here, “change is definitely in the wind” and we need to buckle up and get ready for it. 

My Business Tip to you is to study up in these new areas and determine how it will affect your company and your life. Sooner the better! 

So, until we get together again to kick the latest business ideas around, I’ll see ‘ya!  



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