Is Your Sales Team Chasing the Entirely Wrong Prospects?

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The PORTER CUSTOMER INSTITUTE released for publication today on social platform LinkedIn CEO William Porter's latest article, Is Your Sales Team Chasing the Entirely Wrong Prospects? A brief excerpt of the article is included below.

A great prospect today is a happy customer tomorrow, right?

Not necessarily.

Most research today reveals that some 15 to 20 % of customers are unhappy or at least disgruntled with the partners they chose to do business with early on. And some percentages are even higher!

If you’re like me, every week LinkedIn features a couple of posts about a “better sales process” or say “sales effectiveness”, right?

And hey, nothing wrong with improving your process or being more effective, sign me up for that. However, accomplishing these goals with the entirely “wrong sales prospects” kind of defeats the purpose, don’t you think?

Interesting to me, there’s never much mention or writing about “the right Sales Prospects”! Why is that?


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