Don’t Know Your “Key Experience Moments”? Try Mapping Your Customer’s Decision Journey to Find Out!

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89 %. 

The percentage of companies Gartner research says will compete mainly on the customer experience that they offer in today’s marketplace. 

Demonstrates just how critical it is for companies today to identify the dozen or so key points in the “Customer Journey”, I.e., gathering info, finding customer reviews, bonding with a solution, etc. Key points where you better be providing a “memorable” and “lasting” experience which will keep customers coming back for more or risk losing them to a competitor! 

Even more perplexing is the following research just in: 

Over half of sales prospects – 66 % - are half way through the sales process these days before they ever interact with a sales representative.  

A truly amazing fact! 

Truth is the time window has begun to narrow. And you better make every encounter count, right? Or possibly risk losing a customer to a competitor. 

So what experience does your organization offer to customers today?Are you aware of the dozen or so critical “experience moments” with customers where you need to leverage that experience post Covid? 

Finally, has your company formally “mapped” your customer’s “decision journey” ( CDJ ) ? 

If not, this is something you really need to do today! 

And according to Salesforce, 39 % of companies they recently surveyed plan to implement  “Customer Journey Mapping” in the next 12 months. 

So, as I always do, I want to offer you a few business tips for getting started on this effort below. 

Business Tip # 1. Spend time identifying those “moments” that seem to be critical to sales prospects and as they become customers where info is exchanged, key questions are asked or where a customer really needs help getting the most out of what your company offers. These “moments of truth” are key to closing a deal or to exceeding a customer’s expectations. 

Tip # 2. Build a robust interaction into this customer “touchpoint” so that sales prospects and customers alike get a lot of “value” from you when they start to ask questions. Remember, in this new economy, we gotta provide personalized value at every turn!  

Well that’s all I have for now. 

Until we get together again. 



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