Customer Experience, the Trust Factor Attracting the Most Eyeballs Last Few Months


The Customer Spring. Trust as Strategy. The Customer Decision Journey. 

As I looked back over my last dozen or so – about 3 month's worth - of LinkedIn articles, “Customer Experience" and “Trust” – themed articles tend to have attracted the most eyeballs, with the “Sales Prospect” topic third place a bit further-back (yet still viewed many times). 

So, as we pivot from the Pandemic, the Customer Experience and Trust as a strategy are top-of-mind out there hands down. And I think I know why. I’ll explain below. 

My article about five weeks or so ago titled “Not Spending Enough Time with Customers these Days? That could cost You.”, is I think an indicator of the popularity of the whole Customer Experience narrative these days. As they say no customers, no business, and, with Covid keeping customers at a distance, we’re all still pretty nervous about our businesses, right? 

Do my customers still love me? Can I still count on their loyalty long term? Are my usually so – so customers planning to jump ship as things start to open back up?  

And Gartner says 89 % of companies will compete mainly on the experience they deliver to customers. In a related vein, Salesforce says 39 % of companies they talk to intend implement “Customer Journey Mapping” in 2021. 

Next, the Trust topic attracted almost as many views as the Customer Experience pieces. And I think it’s pretty obvious why. 

Trust. Confidence. Certainty. 

With the craziness of the last 12 months, we’ve had anything but any of these things, right? So, I believe beginning to gain some trust in things and institutions has become a big priority. 

And companies who offer products and services with a strong trust brand or oeuvre will have a definite attraction! 

In my about-to-be-published book, The Coming New Customer Impact EconomyI spend a whole chapter on Trust-as-an-impact. 

PricewaterhouseCoopers, the global accounting firm, is a perfect example of Trust-as-brand in these times and, the opening sentence on their home page describing PwC says it all: Building trust and solving complex problems for today’s regulatory environment.  

Not much clearer on where they stand than that, right? 

Wrapping up here, I’ll continue to bring you new articles plus new research on the Customer Experience and Trust-as-a-brand topics, with expanded real-world practical business tips that can help you capitalize on both in resetting your business post Covid. 

Alright, go get ‘em! 

Until we get together next time then. 



Sales Prospect “Facetime” Has Collapsed Over Covid.What’s Next As We Pivot?


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