Will the Big EOY “Business Surge" Show Up? 73 % of One Research Group Says It’s Already Here!


73 % 

The percentage of a recent National Association of Business Economists ( NABE ) panel who said that pre – pandemic sales levels will return by the end of 2021. 

38 % 

The percentage of the NABE who reported on it just two months ago. 

Lot of differing opinions out there these days over when business revenues will get back to normal pre Covid levels – whatever that is today! What are you hearing out there? 

No matter. I predict that sales activity will pick up dramatically as we get into Q4. And I say this for several reasons. 

First, companies are hiring a lot of sales people right now. A recent Wall Street Journal article reported a 63 % uptick in Sales Jobs listings over previous months. In fact, one software company said they planned to “triple” their sales staff as soon as possible – hey, where there’s more sales folks, there’s usually more sales, right? 

CEO’s say they are expecting strong growth over the next 12 months. Consulting giant Deloitte recently reported that, when they recently surveyed a large number of company CEOs, 77 % said they were forecasting significant growth over the coming year. 

Pent – up consumer demand is forecast to drive business success in the coming year. In that same Deloitte CEO business study above, 40 % said they expected accelerated consumer demand to push increased business sales this year. 

Oh, and listen to this: one researcher said that they had seen a “567 %” increase in the purchase of Sales Enablement Tools in the last 12 months. Wow! 

So, what’s your strategy as we get into September and October? 

I have a few tips for getting that strategy revved up and moving as you approach the predicted “surge”. And a couple those tips are provided below. 

Business Tip # 1. Hire a few more Sales people soon. I’m serious! Consider adding one or two sales folks to your company and see if revenues don’t start to pick up. I’m betting they will and, hey, what do you have to lose? 

Tip # 2. Have a definite Plan for “ramping up” quickly in case the “Surge” shows up. Hey, if you don’t have a Plan, who knows where you’ll really end up, am I right? 

That’s all I’ve got right now. 

Until we sit down around the table next time to kick some ideas around again. 



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