Customers Buy For Their Reasons, Not Yours*

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PORTER CUSTOMER INSTITUTE confirmed today the publication of a new article on popular social platform LinkedIn by company founder and CEO William Porter entitled “Customers Buy for Their Reasons, Not Yours” about Company Cultures and the role it plays in the sales decision process today. 

30 %. Porter begins the article with this well-publicized sales “close rate” statistic highlighting the dilemma that sales folks today still only win only one in three sales prospects they pursue. Part of the blame for this, he asserts, falls with an eventual “mis-match” between sales and prospective buyer owing much to not taking “company culture” into consideration from the start. 

The article proceeds to highlight two of the six cultures – the New Culture company and the Price Culture organization - Porter discusses in his popular book Sellers Edge available on Amazon.  He concludes the new piece with two tios to improve your sales close rate: do a better job of qualifying sales prospects early and study the well-documented company culture phenomenon.


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